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All project management training is not the same in terms of what it covers or how it is delivered; the variables in training types can make finding the right choice for your team or company a challenge. To ensure you maximize your training budget, align your corporate training solution with your team’s development needs.
COVID-19 is like that car accident just up ahead which you know you shouldn’t be focusing on while driving, but which draws the attention of all around it. After doing a number of articles related to the pandemic, I’d planned to write about something completely different, but as my weekly blogging time drew near I realized that there was (at least) one more topic I needed to write about.
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March 2020 saw a record broken for unemployment claims, and in coming months, according to Moody’s Analytics, more than 50% of the US Workforce is at risk for unemployment. With companies examining their bottom line in terms of remaining viable for an unknown time span, including economic recovery, savvy professionals are seeking training to demonstrate their value. Your skills can be a part of your own professional survival kit.
Professional Development | Project Management
The most successful Project Managers inspire others to reach goals, apply critical thinking skills to complex situations, and navigate organizational challenges. One way to enhance your Project Management career is through mentoring as either Mentor or Mentee. And mentoring as a development tool is recognized and respected by the C-Suite as an important training investment.
PMI-ACP | PMP Certification | PMP Exam Prep | Professional Development
Virtual classes combining live instruction and online materials enable you to learn from the experts from the convenience of your home office space. To prepare for your Project Management Professional or PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMP® or PMI-ACP®) certification, start with a virtual training that provides the opportunity to: engage with the faculty directly, expand your professional network across industries, and leverage digital resources as part of your personalized study plan. Research shows that a carefully designed virtual training is highly effective with 86% reporting ”…the experience “just as engaging” or “more engaging than” traditional classroom training…” In that same study, students in the virtual version of a class actually scored higher than their counterparts in the face-to-face classroom.
In this time of uncertainty, we, like you, are monitoring COVID-19 with an eye towards the health and safety of our students and instructors. At the same time, we are trying to balance students’ needs to take the course when they have scheduled it, especially knowing that people may want to use this time as productively as possible.
Training managers know that training encompasses much more than what happens during the class itself. There is an infrastructure of talent, logistics, training materials, vendor management, and employee engagement that must come together for effective learning to occur. Training Magazine’s Industry Report, a standard for over three decades, reported in 2019 total U.S. training expenditures as $83 billion, including the costs of training staff and vendor services. Both direct and indirect costs should be included when determining the true cost of any corporate training effort so that budgets can be determined and the ROI of corporate training calculated.
The January 2020 issue of PM Network provide a case study for one of the 2019 PMI Project of the Year finalists, the Société de transport de Montréal’s (STM) eight-year project to modernize the underground Montréal rail system. I have a soft spot in my heart for this system, having spent most of my formative years in Montréal and having been a frequent user of its services while commuting to university and my first job. I always found it to be a clean, safe, efficient and reliable method of getting around the city. As such, it was a bit of a surprise for me to read about the operating challenges faced by the STM in recent years and the anticipated growth projections, both of which were the impetus for this ambitious project.
Most managers are seeking ways to extend product development time to use up more resources, to lose their best talent so that they can spend time and money to constantly be replacing them, and of course, to keep their internal costs as high as possible, right? Uh, no. In any business, regardless of size or complexity, the goal is to produce the product or service in a way that is sustainable and efficient. To achieve that goal, investments are made in corporate training to help employees gain the skills needed to get the job done. According to one industry report, companies invested $83 billion in corporate training in 2019, demonstrating the perceived value companies place on professional development.
It is a common challenge for anyone who has managed projects for a meaningful amount of time. One or more of your key stakeholders who are integral to the successful completion of the project appears unwilling to engage as expected. It could be the project sponsor who ignores your pleas for assistance with a project issue, the functional manager who turns a blind eye to your requests for staffing support or the executive who never seems to have the time to review and sign off on a key deliverable.